Popular places to visit in Copenhagen

Copenhagen has many trendy places to visit. Explore what Copenhagen has to offer.

The Meatpacking District in Vesterbro

Before the Meatpacking District became one of the most popular places to go out in Copenhagen, it housed the meat industry for decades. Today you will find art galleries, restaurants and trendy bars in the old butcher shops. It’s well worth a visit!

Islands Brygge’s Harbour Bath

On a warm summer’s day, Copenhagen’s many canals invites you to jump in or at least, dip your toes. On the Islands Brygge harbour front, you will find a great place for a cool swim and the harbour bath has lifeguards present from June to August. You will also find the popular GoBoats on the harbour front.

Bispebjerg Cemetary – pretty in pink

If you love the pink cherry blossoms of spring, then the Bispebjerg Cemetary in Copenhagen Northwest is a must! Popular among locals and turists, you must prepare to stand in line to enter the instagrammable pathways in spring and it’s well worth the wait. We highly recommend to go for a walk on Bispebjerg cemetary and enjoy the pink and the solitude. After your visit, the gothic cathedral Grundtvig’s Church located across the street is another interesting visit.

Visit the Botanical Garden

Copenhagen’s Botanical Garden is located near Nørreport Station, and covers an area of 10 hectares in the middle of the city. The garden has more than 13,000 plants from around the world and you will also find a arboret with trees and roses. We recommend a visit to the the Butterfly House, where you can see colourful and exotic butterflies and in the Palm House, there’s a corpse flower, that so far has has bloomed every second year.

Copenhagen’s Colourful Christianshavn

The neighbourhood of Christianshavn has a relaxing and down-to-earth atmosphere and is located in the centre of Copenhagen with canals and colourful houses. It’s definitely a place to visit and make a stop in one of the cafes. Check out the Circle Bridge, an artist-designed bridge on the harbour front that resembles a ship and has five masts.

Christianshavn is also home to the famous freetown of Christiania, one of Denmark’s most popular tourist attractions. It’s not like any other neighbourhood in Copenhagen and if you go, you should pay attention to the rules posted at the main entrance.


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